Mobility scooter dimensions: How big and manoeuvrable is Scoozy?

9 February 2022 by
Scoozy is a means of electric transport for outdoor use. It also fits nicely in an average supermarket. Scoozy is usually too big and not manoeuvrable enough for home use. A powered wheelchair or foldable mobility scooter is a better solution in this situation. This blog shows you what the dimensions and manoeuvrability of Scoozy are, compared to other 4 wheeled mobility scooters.


The full turning circle of Scoozy is 3.4m. The light steering makes it easy manoeuvre and turn. When you manoeuvre once the minimum width required for turning is 2m. Thanks to the sharp steering front wheels, Scoozy can also manoeuvre well through the supermarket. ​


Scoozy looks larger than comparable 4 wheeled mobility scooters due to the open design and the large wheels, but nothing could be further from the truth. Scoozy is 68 cm wide and therefore fits well through a standard doorway. 


The length of Scoozy is 135 cm and if you compare this with, for example, a Life & Mobility Solo, Scoozy is even 5 cm shorter. With this, Scoozy generally fits in an elevator. 


Scoozy’s height is 125cm. Even though it is not that high compared to other mobility scooters, indeed, the backrest of Scoozy cannot be folded at the moment. This makes transport in a delivery van or a passenger car difficult. Read in this blog more about the options available to transport Scoozy.​

Experience Scoozy yourself!

Do you want to try all the features of Scoozy yourself? Then schedule your test drive now! This can be done at your home, at a dealer, in the Scoozy Factory or in nature.

Take a test drive