You are 17 years old and in the prime of your life. Suddenly you get the diagnosis of MS, a nerve disorder that is gradually limiting you. That happened to Seth 12 years ago. Seth is a good example of the fact that such a diagnosis does not mean that you have been written off. He did a study in Communication, now has a good job and enjoys sports. Still, Seth came to a point where he realized he needed a tool. For many, there is an emotional aspect to this. “For me, there was such a fussy image on the mobility scooter. I really didn’t see myself in that.” Until he came in contact with Scoozy. “When I saw it, I knew immediately: I want it!” What does Scoozy mean for Seth and how did he manage to get a large part of this modern alternative to the mobility scooter funded? Read his experience here.
A modern mobility scooter like Scoozy can really make a positive difference in someone’s life. “Before this, I was mainly dependent on public transport and taxis. But between the different means of transport, you have to walk quite a bit and that makes me tired quickly. This often led to frustration and uncertainty. Your world is also getting smaller. I therefore mainly needed a means of transport that would give me a greater sense of freedom.” Seth googled “hip mobility scooter” and there he saw Scoozy. I booked a test drive and immediately fell in love.”
Now Seth can not only travel long distances, but he also has more energy leftover because he does not unnecessarily burden his body. Seth mainly uses Scoozy for his daily commute to work and to work out. As a result, he now also saves on costs for public transport. In addition to the practical benefits, the feeling that Scoozy makes him predominate. “My world has literally become bigger. I used to cycle a lot and unfortunately, I had to give that up. Recently I have taken such a route from the past. That gave me such a feeling of freedom. Simply being able to decide where you are going and when. It actually gave me back a piece of my old life.”
And Seth has more plans. “My friend has bought a farm in Groningen that he is completely renovating. My next goal is to go there with Scoozy and the train.”
Scoozy stands out for its modern look, sturdy wheels and even 4-wheel drive to go off-road. Because of that special appearance, Seth notices that outsiders also respond positively. “People speak to me. They ask me what it is, whether I drive it because I like it, or even if I designed it myself! Because of this, I do not feel disabled. It feels more like I have a trendy gadget.”
“It was clear to me that I wanted a Scoozy. I had already taken the test drive and discussed it with my occupational therapist. He helped me with a letter to the municipality for a WMO application (Social Support Act). Within three weeks, two counsellors from the congregation came to my house to discuss my situation. Normally the municipality works with regular suppliers, but because it was something new, they were willing to see what was possible. They applied for a PGB (Persoons Bound Budget). The amount was not yet known, but that was not a show stopper for me. I tried not to expect too much.
During the application, I have always had good contact with my consultant. She kept me informed personally, just via Whatsapp. I have experienced that process with the Municipality of The Hague positively. About six weeks after the application, my consultant asked if she could drop by. We were both enthusiastic that the municipality would reimburse a large part of the amount. Shortly thereafter the money was in my account and I was one of the first in the Netherlands in a Scoozy.” At first, he had to get used to driving in Scoozy, but Seth now enjoys driving “Speed” through The Hague.
“I want to inspire others to make use of your right to apply for such a PGB. Ask someone to help you with this. But at least: Go for it!”
Als je zelf initiatief wilt nemen en een aanvraag wilt doen bij jouw gemeente, kan deze informatie je verder helpen. Wij staan ervoor open je hierbij waar mogelijk te ondersteunen. Neem contact met ons op als je doorverwezen wilt worden naar de cliëntondersteuning van een van onze dealers voor hulp bij een aanvraag voor vergoeding vanuit de WMO/PGB. Kijk op deze webpagina van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport waar je terecht kunt voor onafhankelijke cliëntondersteuning (OCO) in jouw gemeente.
Experience Scoozy yourself!
Do you want to try all the features of Scoozy yourself? Then schedule your test drive now! This can be done at your home, at a dealer, in the Scoozy Factory or in nature.