Multiple Sclerosis and a Mobility Scooter Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can be a daily challenge due to the increasing difficulty in walking. MS often occurs at a younger age (diagnosed between 20 and 40). Finding ways to remain indepen... sarah kingsma support magazine MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Mobility scooter
Karin: “Scoozy brings me what other mobility scooters couldn't bring me”. Help others with Scoozy. That is what Karin from Molenhoek does every day. This mother of four has an exciting job as a system therapist in guiding families. Together with a small team, she looks at a... MS (Multiple Sclerosis) User all-road customer stories outside scoozy
Seth: “When I saw Scoozy, I immediately knew: I want it”! You are 17 years old and in the prime of your life. Suddenly you get the diagnosis of MS, a nerve disorder that is gradually limiting you. That happened to Seth 12 years ago. Seth is a good example of... MS (Multiple Sclerosis) User customer stories pgb